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November 07, 2010


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I like your idea of a citrus glaze. What an extra special brunch! I have to say, it's even better the next day.

You are right, this is the perfect cake for a afternoon party, or breakfast, or after lunch, or maybe a piece before bed.. heck, for anytime!

Glad the baby mama liked it and I'm keeping your idea to use it for gifting it to busy new parents as well.

Congratulations on your friend's pregnancy!! Beautiful cake... I'll head into the kitchen to make it later today.


this would be a perfect cake for a baby shower, or a post-baby pick-me-up, or really anytime. the glaze does fancy things up a bit. thanks for the baking chemistry--i love it!

Thanks everyone! The cake was made the night before, and delicious the next afternoon, but I would like to taste it again fresh out of the oven when the crust is crisper. I think this cake would keep well for several days. I meant to decorate the center of the cake with tiny seckel pears, but I couldn't find them at the market, and of course, was in way too much of a rush....


That citrus glaze looks great!

What a pretty cake. The addition of a citrus glaze made the already fancy cake, even fancier. I'm glad everybody enjoyed it. Will have to put this one on the Rewind list.

That's gorgeous! And I never met a pear I didn't like, so I'm doubly tempted by it.

Your cake is so pretty with it's glaze. I know it was a big hit.

Serene, Merci beaucoup....gearing up for french fridays? You should make this cake! What I didn't really emphasize in the post was just how easy it was to put together. And the pear surprise is SO worth the small bit of extra effort.

Hi Rachel - I'm happy to be an inspiration ;).

The board was made by Ozark West, but I understand the husband and wife team who owned it have now divorced; the wife runs Ozark West, and the husband started Pheonix Culinary Products. Both companies sell similar cutting boards. If you order a checkerboard pattern like mine (and they told me several people have), be sure the entire board is "end grain". The majority of my board is end grain, but two of the edges are "edge grain", and I've had some trouble with the seams pulling apart during the dryer months (end and edge grains expand and contrast in different directions).


What a lovely baked gift for the mama to be and your best friend.the citrus glaze is an excellent addition. I enjoyed your post.

Thank you so much Lola! xo

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