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July 19, 2010


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Rachel.. I also cut my chocolate from the corners... thought I was the only one (good to know that my crazy logic is shared).

The cake looks so good, I like how you "Stud" it with only a few chips.

It's good to know that cutting chocolate from the corners is less messy. I usually hack it straight down the middle and then hack the rest into bits. Your cake is very pretty. Love the way you stud it!

Your cake looks really nice and moist.

The cake was wonderfully moist Joan! I was concerned about it being slightly underbaked (it's a never ending quest to examine just the right level of enthusiasm one must observe in a cake springing back when pressed with a finger) but it was not.
Monica- I did get off my duff and put more chips on it - here is a picture of the final "design"
Jenn- While no chocolate expert, I definitely think cutting it from the middle is the hard way (and the chocolate flying everywhere way....) but curious to hear what others think.

Beautiful cake, Rachelino. Very moist looking. I too didn't cover the entire cake with choc chips. I used Droste pastilles which made studding a very easy process. Btw, I also cut my choc from the corners first (never really thought about why I did it that way, I just did) :o)

beautiful photos and great read! i like the way you studded the cake.


Thanks for posting the step by step for the ganache. Nice to read your take on it.

The cake looks great!

I didn't know that about chopping chocolate-chocolate physics! Will definitely try this way of chopping. Great photos. Your cake turned out lovely.

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