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June 21, 2010


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Rachel.. your cheesecake looks wonderful! And I can relate to the oven widow... we are renting and the oven is like a gazzzilion years old and it has a window that it tinted! So I totally can relate to your old frustrations.

And I love your nitpick, because that will be mine as well - I wish there was more crust. Your picture looks delish!

Thank you so much Monica. Your cheesecake looks beautiful too! I used that oven for 10 years, and it served me well. I even looked into have it professionally steam-cleaned/restored rather than replacing it (my husband is supah-glad we did the latter)but I was quoted over $500 for that. WHOA.
I am a firm believer that you don't need fancy or new cookware to turn out great food, so I was reluctant to fork over for new stuff, but wow, I enjoy my new range.

looks great!

Rachel - your cake looks wonderful! I, also, felt a lack of cookie crust and went back and made another batch for the bottom crust and some more up the sides. Additionally, like you, I worried about the gooey interior. Because of this I intend to make the cake again tomorrow. The flavor was so absolutely divine with the Coco Lopez coconut cream and about 5 drops of coconut essence that I want to get it right because I know it is a great one for parties. Your ginger cookies seem a wonderful addition too.

This was a great read, and beautiful photos! My new apartment has an oven with a window in the door--so exciting! However the oven light is busted so I can only watch things bake during the day--but I get your excitement! I think a gingersnap crust would compliment the coconut flavor better, but maybe that is simply because I LOVE gingersnaps.


Looks great! Interesting to hear your take on Rose's Cheesecakes.

Looks delicious!

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