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November 02, 2009


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Lovely! How wonderful that it turned out delicous despite the problems!

Thanks for your kind words Barbara- your pumpkin cupcakes look good! :)

I agree with Barbara! Your cake looks lovely!

Rachel, I also toast whole almonds, though I process it to fine powder in the food processor. I love how you decorate the cake - nice swirls!

Jenn- that is because you are smart, and not as lazy as I was. The minichopper is light and was on the dishrack. I cannot wait until our kitchen (which is in the middle of a minor facelift) will have storage space for the food processor that is a little higher than a ground-level cabinet. Until then, I will just have to stoop. But I vow, no more shortcuts like this! (disclaimer: Shortcuts may be made based on not wanting to buy a special pan when another one will do.)

Rachel - I'm not that smart. Before I gave in and purchase the food processor,s I processed the whole almonds with mini chopper. I think I ruined the blade! Oh well, it's too late. But I love my food processor and am glad I bought it.

That is too nice to be a first attempt. Rose's Heavenly Cakes has some wonderful cake recipes. I like it very much.

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